Animation in the Expanded Field. Exploration of artistic practices of the animated drawing in space.

The research project Animation in the Expanded Field examines the development and possibilities of a distinct art form, the drawn animation in space. Its specialty is to create a constructed and controlled media space and to superimpose it with the physical spatiality and plasticity of an installation, which is also part of the artistic expression. In this way, the animated film in its explicit artificiality allows a direct view of the medium’s artistic possibilities.

Since the 1960s, animated film and film have encroached on the screening environment as an “installation” object of artistic and commercial debate. The result is a new format: the animated image in space, or expanded animation, in various forms, which in the museum context have so far been recorded as video installations, immersive installations, or augmented reality (AR) installations. This work examines the framework conditions, structures, and the artistic and cultural effects of the animated film in space and the conditions under which the physical and digital elements combine in new dispositifs. The analytical, theoretical discourse is supplemented in this research project by artistic research, which is more than just a theoretical discussion and is able to show the possibilities and chances of artistic practice.

Project start: 2018
Project completion: 2024

Founded by
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Stiftung Freiheit

Further links
Moving in Every Direction